Turning Interest Into Action
On July 20, 1920 a group of World War I veterans in the Huntley area applied for a charter with the newly formed veteran’s service organization , The American Legion. On February 7, 1921, the National Legion organization chartered Post 673 with twenty-two members. The Illinois Department of American Legion certified the charter on February 17, 1921. Membership steadily grew in the 1920’s to 76 in 1927. Meetings were held in various buildings in Huntley. Many community and veterans services were accomplished by the members. Several attempts were made to build a Legion Hall, in the 30’s and 40’s but never came to fruition. Following World War II, there was a new influx of members to the post. In late 1951, the present Legion hall building became available and was purchased. The building had several prior uses such as a gas station, feed store, and meat locker. The original mortgage was paid off in 1955. The Legion welcomed veterans from the Korean War in the 1950’s, the Vietnam War in the 1960’s, the Gulf War in the 1980’s and most recently the conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Steady growth in membership occurred resulting in over 320 members today. The Legion has become a vital part of the Huntley community with its various activities promoting God and Country.